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Cookies are small, harmless files placed on your computer's hard drive or in your browser memory

when you visit a website. Here you can find out more about how I do use them.



Cookies help to make the interaction between users and websites faster and easier.

For example, when you make an enquiry online, cookies help my site remember the information

you give me as you move through your application. Some of the cookies helps me 

understand how you use my website, for example the pages you visit and the links you click on.

What my cookies don't do is store any personal or confidential information about you.



Yes, cookies are harmless text files.

They can't look into your computer or read any personal information or other material on your hard drive.

Cookies can't carry viruses or install anything harmful on your computer.


Like most websites, I use session cookies and persistent cookies.

I use session cookies, which last only for the duration of your visit and are deleted

when you close your browser. No personally- identifiable data is collected. These simply enable

me to identify that the same person is moving from page to page.

While you are using my website a unique ID will track your session from page to page

to keep you signed in whilst you service your accounts online or to keep your session

open whilst you complete forms. Without session cookies these functions would not work.


I also use certain cookies that are persistent, meaning that they last beyond your session.

Persistent cookies don't use any personally identifiable information,

but they do help my website remember you as a user each time you use the same computer to revisit me.

Persistent cookies last for a pre-defined period unless they are deleted.


There is no reason for visitors to my website to be concerned about the privacy implications of any of the cookies I use, but I recognise the importance of transparency as to the purpose & scope of the data stored in the cookies which are created or updated on your computer when you visit the website. As well as changing your privacy settings, you may choose to delete these cookies from your computer between visits to our website.

You may also disable cookies in your web browser settings and this will not prevent you from accessing our website. However, certain parts of our website may not operate correctly without cookies enabled.

We recommend that if you have concerns about the privacy implications of the cookies we use, then you should investigate how to do this using the cookie management tools in your web browser


Full details of the cookies which Google Analytics uses can be found in Cookies & Google Analytics in documentation for Google's Analytics tracking code. You can also read Google's Privacy Policy for Google Analytics. If you wish to opt out of our use of Google Analytics you may wish to consider using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on in order to maintain your experience for the rest of the website.

Content Management & site navigation: Our content management tool creates a number of first-party cookies:

These are session cookies which are deleted when you close your browser. The cookie helps our website to function correctly. This data is aggregated and not personally identifiable.

In all cases these first-party cookies do not store any personal or sensitive information, or anything that makes you personally identifiable to us.



By continuing to use my site, you agree to the placement of cookies on your device. If you choose not to receive my cookies, I cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be. 

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